Most people don't know that typical supplements are not effectively absorbed by the body. Nutrient Tree offers liposomal supplements which bypass the body's natural digestive destruction of typical supplements and are more directly absorbed into the bloodstream.
High doses of certain vitamins have shown health benefits in numerous studies. The problem is the body's natural digestion destroys most of these vitamins never allowing them to make it into the blood stream where they can do their work. Normally the only way to realize these health benefits is to take extreme amounts of traditional supplements which cause extreme digestive discomfort.
A search for a way to help family members suffering from cardiovascular disease led to the discovery of...
Carlos M.
My daughters and I take a teaspoon full of Liposomal Vitamin C daily. When we feel a cold coming on we'll take 4-6 spoons a day and it stops the cold/flu in it's tracks. My daughters and I have not missed school or work in years.
Greg Barsten, DC, MS, RH (AHG)
My patients and my family love NutrientTree liposomal vitamin C for several reasons. First, it works. In my functional medicine and clinical nutrition practice I use an accurate test for cell membrane breakdown and free radical damage called malondialdehyde. It reveals nutritionally what works and what does not in terms of free radical control at the cell level. The liposomal C works as well as anything we've ever used.
Stephanie LeClair
I have been using your Liposomal Glutathione for 8 months now and liver enzymes have decreased dramatically.